Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Plugging out...

Hate... possibly as strong an emotion as Love and many times, feels like the stronger of the two. It seems man was BUILT to hate even before he LEARNT to love. Hate comes to us more naturally and spontaneously than love. We are more likely to not-like someone we meet for the first time than liking them. Why is that? We judge and write off people even before getting to know them.

And therein lies the reason why hate comes more naturally to us than love. It's easy to hate. Loving someone requires spending time and (emotional) energy in trying to know them. But, that's too much effort. And who has the time, really!

And so, it continues...'guilty till proven innocent' (and if you're lucky) is the default mode we operate in.

Come to think of it, just as well. We need hate in our lives to know love. How would we know who we love, if we couldn't compare it to who we hate. We need to be able to hate some people to love others. The haves and the have-nots. We need war to appreciate peace, we need the devil to believe in god, we need hell to believe in heaven, we need hate to believe in love.

Our need for hate is so deep that we have developed careful and detailed thumb rules to make hating easy and quick. Sample a few...

Rule#1.. Hate the new person and anyone who sides with the new person & Love the familiar & the people we've known forever, a.k.a the 'evil' daughter-in-law

Rule#2.. Hate change, even if it means progress or is good & Love conventions, a.k.a the 'outsider' who wants to live by his rules, even if they don't match the society norms

Rule#3.. Hate the neighbours & people living outside your house & Love people living with you, a.k.a India-Pak, my next-door neighbour, the extended family

Rule#4.. Love people like you, who agree with you, who follow you & Hate everyone else

And I'm still discovering new rules everyday. More as I experience them.

Plugging back in...


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