Plugging out…
What I’ve always found funny is that when you’re of the age when you’re wary of the all the traps the world has to offer– like job, security, money, marriage… you’re too busy working towards exactly those traps. You have neither of the above and therefore, you see yourself distant from it. Because you can’t predict how it will be when you do have them, you feel you can control it and not let it control you (the word I’m looking for is ‘maya’)
When you’re young, you’re telling yourself that I’m going to be different, I’m going to enjoy the material pleasures, but won’t let it take over my life..... You’re telling yourself ‘I’ve seen how my dad got into the trap of everyday life and I’m not going to get conned’…. I’m obviously smarter… I’m going to play the system, not the other way round.. I’m going to enjoy pleasures of the trap without getting trapped myself!” …
But, before you realize, you’re exactly where your Dad was at the same age… you’re trapped, you’re plugged in… and boy is it comfortable in here… it’s the ‘one ring’ that tempts you with the power it offers… the ring you think you can control… but who’s controlling who…
It’s one of life’s biggest jokes… it’s quietly looking down at you and smiling… here comes another one who thinks he is control of where he’s going… ha!
Plugging back in…
very interesting and a bit scary too. but looking forward to catching up with some more of neo unplugged. it's a curious space.
Hey floatin... glad you found it interesting.. i'm just getting started.. watch out for some more 'curious' thoughts...
it's all about the time & space when you plug out of the matrix & see reality for what it is :)
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