Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When did it change

Plugging out...

Since when did I stop caring about what other people think of me...
Since when did I start feeling distant from a crowd of a new exciting
fun group... Since when did I start craving for the comfort of the
familiar over the seduction of unknown possibilities...Since when did
I stop trying to fit in... Since when did I stop trying too hard to
make new friends...

Since when did slowing down seem like a better idea than speeding to
catch up... Since when did I start getting tired...

Since when did I stop believing in things that I always knew would
never come true... Since when did I stop looking forward to Mondays...
Since when did inspiration become scarce... Since when did inspiring
people become even scarcer...

Since when did life start changing.. Since when did I start
changing... Since when did the world start changing...

... Plugging back in

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Saturday, March 07, 2009


Plugging out...

Those special moments when you feel blessed... when you feel loved... when you feel grateful...
Grateful for all those people in your life who love you... grateful that you have quite a few people who actually really love you... quite a few people who feel happy for your happiness... quite a few people who you can share your happiness with...

Those special moments when you feel happy and in LOVE... in love with those special people, in love with life...

Those special moments when you feel why you thought about hate at all, when you feel no amount of hate can affect you... Moments when all you want to do is say 'Thankyou'