Right, wrong or Guru
given a great performance, almost reminiscent of his dad. Yes, Ash is
looking great and even human! But, none of that is relevant.
What the movie manages to do, allegedly based on Dhirubhai Ambani, is
raise questions on what is right and what is wrong.. no, really.
What is the difference between whats legal and whats corruption? Where
do u draw the line between ambition and madness?
More significantly, who decides what is good, what is bad, and what is
ugly. It was illegal to import certain products in the 70s which today
is allowed. Jst because guru did it in 70s, does it make him wrong.
Similarly for issuing convertible shares, expanding machines in the
factory he owned, opening more plants than what was allowed in the
'licence'.. and the list goes on.
So, should we judge him for doing something wrong jst because he was
ahead of his time. Is he wrong or are the rules wrong. Should we fault
his ambition or fault the society for having none. Do we punish him
for dreaming or do we punish the cynical, aspirationless,
stuck-in-the-past people in power who revel in status quo?
The movie raises these questions.. And pretty much answers them.