Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Right, wrong or Guru

Watched Guru, finally a few a days ago. Yes, Abhishek Bachchan has
given a great performance, almost reminiscent of his dad. Yes, Ash is
looking great and even human! But, none of that is relevant.

What the movie manages to do, allegedly based on Dhirubhai Ambani, is
raise questions on what is right and what is wrong.. no, really.

What is the difference between whats legal and whats corruption? Where
do u draw the line between ambition and madness?

More significantly, who decides what is good, what is bad, and what is
ugly. It was illegal to import certain products in the 70s which today
is allowed. Jst because guru did it in 70s, does it make him wrong.
Similarly for issuing convertible shares, expanding machines in the
factory he owned, opening more plants than what was allowed in the
'licence'.. and the list goes on.

So, should we judge him for doing something wrong jst because he was
ahead of his time. Is he wrong or are the rules wrong. Should we fault
his ambition or fault the society for having none. Do we punish him
for dreaming or do we punish the cynical, aspirationless,
stuck-in-the-past people in power who revel in status quo?

The movie raises these questions.. And pretty much answers them.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I, The Republic

Jan 26, 2007. Republic day.

A long weekend, an extra holiday in the week, more time to my self and
my indulgences, more shopping, more eating out, more fun.. An event of
national significance!

Im the cynical generation who never had to struggle to see the free
india of today, i dont care for the many who died to give us the life
we have today.

I am the selfish, ungrateful, know-it-all generation who is too busy
making money and spending on riches that those martyrs could never
have thought possible.

Im the 21st century generation who only knows of freedom struggle as a
chapter from my school history text books.

I am this generation..

But then how come im wearing tri colour tattoos today, how come i
stood in attention when jana gana mana played before the parade on tv
today, how come i remember that today is when we released our
constitution to the world, how come i smile every time i see another
foreigner trying to fit into indian living, how come im happy when i
read of yet another international company being taken over by an
indian company, how come i had tears in my eyes when i saw the salute
and heard the band at amar jawan jyoti at india gate, in the morning

Friday, January 19, 2007

When was the last time...

Plugging out...

When was the last time you looked into those big eyes and wanted to give up everything you have just to keep them sparkling

When was the last time you felt physical pain in your bones when you heard a cry

When was the last time you wanted to hold forever so that time would stand still

When was the last time you decided that from that moment on, you were not living for yourself anymore

When was the last time you felt you would explode from those overwhelming emotions inside

When was the last time you realised you can't wait to live the rest of your life

When was the last time you felt you couldn't be happier

When was the last time you were in love...

... Plugging back in